Our Customers Have Made These Suggestions for Improving Catalogic DPX.
Enter your DPX ideas or feature requests here and vote for suggestions that other users have made.
Please be sure to add the reason why you need the feature and if you can add an example of why you need, it all the better.
This area is specifically for Catalogic DPX.
automated Sandboxing for DPX restores
Having a function to sandbox a backup and have it tested automatically for application function and virus infections
Protect vStor replication snapshots against ransomware.
As a user I would like to protect a vStor replication snapshot/relationship from being removed automatically when the snapshot expires so that the data in the ...
Add Support for S3 Object Lock
Add Support for AWS and MINIO S3 to use these storage services as an (LTO) Tape replacement.
As more an more customers don't like tape-librarys they want to use ...